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The Russian Blue

Russian Blues are characterized by their dense gray coat and stunning Green eyes. Sociable and with great temperaments, Russian Blues make the perfect family pet. 


We often get asked about whether males or females would be more loving, better for children, less mischievous, etc. The answer is both! Personalities of Russian Blues are not determined by their gender. We offer our families the opportunity to meet their kitten prior to deciding which one to take home, this is the best way to see which personalities will go best with them. Of course if this is not possible we will do our best to communicate their individual personalities to our families. It is very important for us that our families get matched with a kitten that will fit right in. 


Another topic that we often come across with our Blues is whether they cause allergies or if Russian Blues are really Hypoallergenic. The answer is yes and no. Even though Russian Blues are tolerated by some with cat allergies this is not true for everyone. I always tell our potential families that it really is on an individual type basis. We have had cases in which our cats have caused allergic reactions and others not. 

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